Primary Numbers Wall Decals



     These decals are educational and decorative... but also interactive! Experts say that bright, bold colors can positively stimulate a child's senses and positively contribute to his or her development. Learn colors and counting with the help of our wall stickers - 48 stickers total (four sets of each number) measuring 3" x 4.5"! Since Wallhogs can be removed and repositioned at any time, you can move these numbers around as often as you please. Great in any bedroom, nursery, playroom, or classroom! Complete the design with our Colorful Dots and Colorful Alphabet wall decals (both sold separately).

Available As:   Reusable Vinyl Wall Decal

Available Sizes:  (4) 10"x18" sheets (48 individual decals ranging in size from 3" up to 4.5")

Availability:  Decals print and ship FREE within 3 business days.

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