About Wall Decor's Room Makeover Collection
      About Wall Decor, along with several of our partners, have combined some of our smaller decal sets to create dozens of children's room makeover kits.  This selection of wall decals and murals are intended for any girls, boys or infant bedrooms and are extremely easy to apply.  You can even make it a fun "family" event for you and your kids in redecorating their rooms.  About Wall Decor has even reduced the pricing on these kits so you save anywhere from 5-20% as compared to purchasing each decal kit individually.  Take your time and invite your children in shopping the assorted products in our kits.  Have questions?  Feel free to contact any of our wall decor experts from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST using our toll free number, (877) 900-4647, option 2, or by sending us an email at customerservice@aboutwalldecor.com.

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